          維基解密:美中關係展望-13(美國政策的角色,2008.02.24) 維基解密:美中關係展望-13(美國政策的角色,2008.02.24) 【Comment】作為一個佔下風又得負責任的大國,中國是失敗的例子。俄羅斯,手法熟練多了。 買屋 Viewing cable 08BEIJING661, Prospects for U.S.-China Relations●WikiLeaks(2008.02.24) ROLE OF U.S. POLICY ----------- 居酒屋-------- 中美關係的許多面相經不起外交政策的考驗。中國的成長卻吝於承擔大國責任,多源自於其經濟與歷史背景。同樣的,對台灣的壓力,有美國法律與我們?票貼O證和平解決問題民主台灣的利益,我們也一樣不可推卸。當然,我們能保護我們的經濟與政治利益,促進中國的正面轉變並讓北京更體會其在有效的國際機構與國際規範的地位。中國世界觀的改變 商務中心與利益的增長,將會帶來改變中國的契機。追求中美更緊密與更合作的關係,需要持續關注以及高層會談和對話,以在快速轉變得世界中擴展我們的共同利益、管理彼此差異以及避免誤解誤判。雲程譯,感謝feema大提?小型辦公室?
其13. (C) Many aspects of the U.S.-China relationship are not amenable to foreign policy intervention. China's growth and slow settling into the role of a great power result from largely economic and 辦公室出租 historical trends. Similarly, tensions over Taiwan, given the firm parameters of U.S. law and our interests in ensuring a peaceful resolution of issues affecting a democratic Taiwan, will be uavoidable. Nonetheless, we can pro 房地產tect our economic and political interests, spur positive change in China and increase Beijing's realization of its stake in effective international institutions and international norms. China's changing worldview and increasing interest in 永慶房屋how it is perceived on the international stage will create new opportunities to influence China. Pursuing an increasingly close and cooperative U.S.-China relationship will require constant attention and frequent high-level meetings and dialogues to expand our common 東森房屋 interests, manage our differences and prevent misunderstandings and misperceptions in a rapidly changing world. RANDT .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 台灣房屋  .

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